Wednesday, February 21, 2007


The remnants of the legendary BitFactory was concerted into Neo-Indiana hours before the land itself (located in the Han Loso region) was sold to the highest bidder!

From left-right: Ian Ah, Man Michinaga (Bitfactory owner and founder) and Wirxli Flimflam (me - floating near the top of Neo-Indiana)...

BREAKING NEWS: The Arts community in Second Life suddenly lost one of its most prized and established arts institutions late last night. The Bitfactory was the official rehearsal space for the performance art group, Second Front as well as serving as a location node for Intelligent Agent Magazine. The Bitfactory (formerly known as the Lichty-Michinaga Arts Center and Atelier Michinaga) had an equivalent reputation to the contemporary art museum, Ars Virtua. The Bitfactory's founder and owner Man Michinaga of Second Front will now devote his time and energy towards performance art and other creative endeavors...

Chi5 Shenzhou and yours truly surveying what is left of the Bitfactory to determine its re-sale value...

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