Hey everyone!
Yes, I know you have not heard from me in ages and I always promise (esp. in the New Year of each year) that I will be back in SL but the truth is, RL is just way too busy for me these days...sigh!
However, I (including my RL self) am curating a new show at the Alternator Gallery in Kelowna called "Inhuman Resources" on April 11th, 2009.
This show includes Liz Solo from Second Front and Mez Breeze.
For Liz's show, Second Front and the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse will be adding performance enhancements and Mez's collection of metaphysical avatar selves who will be communicating with each other in Second Life, Twitter and World of Warcraft is going to be super cool!
Well, here is the official hype below...maybe I will see you there in-world? The SLurls will be announced at the last minute so stay tuned for more info as it happens!
Featuring artists Mez Breeze & Liz Solo
Curated by Jeremy Owen Turner
Opening Reception: Friday April 11 at 8 PM SLT (SLurls to be announced)
Admission by donation - Refreshments served
Artist Liz Solo and curator Jeremy Owen Turner in attendance.
Panel discussion 7pm
Performances 8pm
Party until midnight
Workshop Sunday April 12 @2pm
A Presentation on involvement in the music world: Featuring Liz Solo and more!
Admission by donation
Two new media performance artists from Newfoundland and Australia express themselves through the most popular virtual chat-worlds, video games and social networking sites. Using Second Life, World of Warcraft and Twitter as their chosen mediums of expression, these performances are literally out of this world!
Solo explains, “The gallery exhibit features a series of installed machinima (machine generated animation) pieces and a projected synthetic environment, all created inside of the virtual world of Second Life. Via an avatar the gallery visitor will be invited to explore the virtual space and interact with it. Visitors can wander in a field of giant eggs, play with virtual instruments, care for virtual infants, experience being virtually born from an egg.”
Liz Solo aka Lizsolo Mathilde (St. John's) will perform Live Alien Home Birth during which she will call on her friends Second Front - and the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse for support and coaching.
Mez Breeze aka Netwurker Twin (Australia) will use multiple manifestations of her core identity to coordinate a post-human and trans-dimensional literary ritual only possible (so far) in virtual worlds.