happy new year...
i am not in the mood to write in caps and not really much in the mood to blog either...however, i just created a video-archived performance series for the React2010 exhibition called "i cannot turn back the clock..." (2010)...the videos should be online at the premiere of its launch sometime towards the end of the month, i am not exactly sure when.
these past few months, i am starting to realize that my time as wirxli is overdue...there are many other fantastic trickster avatar personalities out there - such as SAVEME OH - that are going beyond me in every way, shape and form...and i crave artistic renewal...
i passed my creative zenith as this avatar probably as early as late 2007... i wish to be someone new...someone else...i cannot turn back the clock...in rl, my optimism for 2010 is quite high but as wirxli, i am running out of authentic ideas that sustain my attention and my preferred creative direction......i think it will be better to go out with a bang than silently de-rez into virtual obscurity so i am working on that...anyway, here are some more pictures of this performance...