Hey there SaveMe Oh Fans!
First, a reminder of Sunday's promo...
Wirxli Flimflam's Final Performance...
A Tribute to SaveMe Oh...
WHEN: Valentines Day - February 14 (Sunday), 2010 - 1 PM SLT
Benvolio 150, 135, 3249
Contact person: Velazquez Bonetto.
Just when I had finished posting about the glory days of hanging out with SaveMe Oh in 2009, I managed to spot her again at a tiny party hosted by Loop Luo at the Hard Rock Cafe in Singapore...I think it was called Loopland Radio or something like that....Sure enough, Loop said SaveMe might be dropping by and there she was! Wow!
Before I reveal her glorious appearance at this event, here are some pix of me dancing with Loop and one of her friends..

...and another pic...

..and then....she arrives!

...well, ok, maybe she pretended not to be too thrilled to see me there...I am sure she was just kidding around, right? At least I know for sure she knows I am someone persistent here...someone who is always around on call to do the most punky performance art in the whole metaverse! She will soon see what a partner-in-crime I can really be...I have read that women like this - especially in bars - LOVE it when the other individual (guy or girl) acts cocky and pretends to be tough and all that so I did my best to bring on the 'tude and focus her attention on me...I think it worked...she certainly gave me attention, even when she pretended to avoid me...and she was pretending, right? RIGHT????
When she was not so responsive, I just went for the more direct approach...

Although she did not seem interested in dancing with me, she was at least speaking with me...I betcha many of those other groupies would have begged just to even get her attention and for a few minutes, I got it from her..I GOT IT FROM HER! :-) :-) :-) :-)

When directness did not work either, I returned to the illusion of appearing to be "cocky" and tough...good thing my in-world recreational drug use always makes me feel bolder than my RL self...

At one point, SaveMe gave me a lot of attention..she even managed to hit me repeatedly with her baseball bat...she MUST know that I LOVE getting beaten up by hot artist girls!

I love it even MORE, when I get shot at by hot artist gals...

I am sure true artists like SAVEME go CRAZY for Po-Mo antics like referring to my previous performances in an ironic way...

I even have a guilty pleasure for being smothered by conventional aesthetically pleasing objects...

The best was when she threatened to wipe my skinny purple ass with oh so soft rolls of toilet paper(!)

Even in the dark, I could find where SaveMe was thanks to her nametag :-)

...after that, she said she was "leaving this place forever" and disappeared...sigh! It will take me ages to find her but I know she will be around to witness my final performance for her on Sunday...
I erased Loop Luo from my friendslist.
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