Hey there
Graphic Scorekeepers,
Electronic Conductors and
Wagnerian Wienerphiles!
Yes! Finally, the
Avatar Orchestra Metaverse have played perhaps their highest profile blockbuster show in
RL so far by scoring a gig (pardon the pun) at none other than the ultimate showcase for all those "Modernist" yet still "Contemporary Classical" composers,
Wien Modern. I am sure you know that
Vienna is musically speaking, the
cultural capital of the Western World (not to be confused with merely the
Westcoast World). So to be a historical part of this city's most important contemporary music festival is sure a treat...it even beats
Orchestra's founder,
Maximillian Nakamura was there in
Vienna in
RL to ensure that everything went along smoothly and on time. Thanks Max! :-)
Here is the official history and mandate of the festival that occurs throughout various cultured sites in Vienna:
"Following an initiative of Claudio Abbado, since 1988 international composers, artists, interpreters and ensembles have been invited to present the wide variety and artistic creativity in the world of sound. Wien Modern is a festival of contemporary music - and also provides a platform for Modern Dance, new visuals, texts and film.
Since 1988 international composers, artists, interpreters and ensembles have been invited here so that all the different artistic facets connected to the world of sound can be experienced. Wien Modern is a festival of contemporary music - and also provides a platform for Modern Dance, new visuals, texts and film."Oooops! I noticed that
Wien Modern quoted itself at least once in that body of official text...oh well, more excuses for me to place some hyperlinks in there but maybe they should rename themselves, Wien Postmodern? ;-)
Anyway, instead of an overture, the
Orchestra played full-length versions of 4 original compositions (well 5 if you include the Birthday Encore..ummm..I guess that does not qualify as "original"...does it?). Two of the 4 compositions were World (both
SL and
RL) Premieres! Here is a quick summary of all them in chronological order...
I -
Photo by Evo Szuyuan.Just have a look at the pattern on the floor! Wow! Just looking at that pattern reminds me of being at Wien Modern!Takahe's composition is part of the
AOM's standard repetoire and is still extremely fun to play. For this performance, we interacted with
Second Front co-member
Gazira Babeli's installation called
Come Together. After sticking together, we branched out across
Virtual Haidplatz like pollen snagged by bees strung out on Viagara!
It really was an epic and sublime sight to see and unless there is a forthcoming video and audio document of it...well...I guess you just HAD to have been there ;-)
II -
Click here to listen to the live audio recording of Ursonata.
The composer Maximillian had two very special HUD interfaces designed. The stripey horizontal bar on the bottom of the screen allowed me to change the fricative sound effects that was triggered by my gun. The tiny square buttons on the right of the screen corresponded to different fricative syllables and drone samples that I could also improvise with. As I mentioned earlier,
Maxi (not to be confused with
Maxxo) is the founder of the
Avatar Orchestra Metaverse. Without him, we are nothing ;-)
Maxi (as his alter-ego
Shintaro Miyazaki) lives in
Berlin in
RL these days so fortunately he was local enough to check out the
Wien Modern performance first hand. He was even able to share a coffee break or two with
Wien Modern's curator,
Berno Odo Polzer. I think it was
Berno himself who invited the Orchestra to play. He was also the one who mentioned that the Production Coordinator named
Barbara Lebitsch was having her birthday so
Maxi and
Berno planned a special surprise birthday encore...well, more on that later but lets focus for now on
Maxi's 2nd AOM composition and its World(s) premiere.
This piece Ursonata is both an ode to
Kurt Schwitter's classic
Merz era equivalent to
slam poetry and
Gazira Babeli's installation of the same name which
Second Front (my other group) used for our performance of
The Gate at iMAL in Brussels a couple of months ago. Hmmm...now that I think of it,
Maxi also used
Gaz's mutation script which was used in
Second Front's Spawn of the Surreal performance that took place almost a year ago...wow! I guess I was serious when I said that the festival should have really been called Wien Postmodern!
At any rate, it was a very fun piece and it reminds me of the days in
RL when I was a
music composition student at Uvic. My teacher at the time,
Christopher Butterfield is quite well known around the globe for his performance of Ursonate ("Ursonata" in English).
Photo by Evo Szuyuan.Here is an overture...er..overview of the ferris wheel.
Click here to listen to the live audio recording of Riesenrad.
Ok, my own composition also had a World(s) Premiere at
Wien Modern. I have
already blogged about it in the post below this one so you may as well just go there. To summarize, it was a
Maximinimalist (cross between
Maximalist and
Minimalist) ode to all the
classic and
modern Vienna-based composers and is probably currently getting derided by the critics as being more
Fantasia than
Speaking of Vienna-based composers, I sure wish our
Orchestral colleague
Gumnosphistai Nurmi had his own composition called
"Avatars Brew" ready because he certainly has had direct experience with channeling the
Greatest Composer Ever To Live in Vienna (well, until
IV -
Click here to listen to the live audio recording of Wee No Kresh.
Photo by Digital Randt.It was
Bingo who designed all the custom instruments and
HUD interfaces for the
Orchestra and it was also
Bingo who recorded each composition in realtime while performing, coordinating, giving tech support and yes, even showcasing his own composition.... ALL HAIL TO
Bingo's piece
WNK is also a classic repetoire piece like
Miulew's (Takahe's)
Bingo's composition is unique in that it is the only one that you can DANCE to.
Hmmmm...did I mention Wien Postmodern a bit earlier on? ;-) Maybe it is time for a parallel festival.
My buddy
Digital Randt (who is also an instrument interface designer) took some
kewl photos so I figured I had better at least show another one he took of
Photo by Digital Randt.V-
Click here to listen to the live audio recording of the Birthday Concerto.
Click here to download and watch the video of this Birthday Surprise in Vienna (

Humming Perra did an awesome job playing Happy Birthday on the laggy
Hypercello designed by
Robbie Dingo (not to be confused with
Bingo). As a Modern form of accompaniment,
Miulew conducted the
Orchestra players and instructed us to improvise using the gear that
Bingo designed for
Fragula. All in all, it was a great time where the red wine was flowing the
snow was blowing...er....maybe I should save all this talk about the
snow blowing that occured during an backstage interview with me for the next blog... SNIFF! SNORT!