Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thursday's SLippery SLope rehearsal...

Posing in front of the blue starting SLope - Left-right: Wirxli (me), Miulew Takahe, Junivers Stockholm (hyper-flute), Bingo Onomatopoeia and Way Sands (hyper-cello). Miulew and Bingo are going to be "HUDers" while Junivers and Way will be among the mini-legion of "Classicists". Photo by Evo Szuyuan.

Hey performance art and new muzak fans,

My first official rehearsal dedicated to my new music composition, SLippery SLope was a success! Many thanks to DeThomas Dibou for creating my 3 SLopes. I encourage you to attend the in-world premiere on the 30th of June as it already sounds radically different than our 1st HUD-only rehearsal in late April.

I will not tell you much about the composition within this post as I would rather save that for a future blog posting where I can reflect on SLippery SLope's in-world premiere at Spinster Voom's Pages exhibition in London (RL) and Haidplatz (SL).

I will only say for now that I am mixing classical performers and HUD navigators into my composition...It will be a tribute to both the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries :-)

In the meantime, check out a couple more photos from thursday's AOM rehearsal of my composition "SLippery SLope"...

Aerial view of Haidplatz. This view shows the blue, purple SLopes and part of the pink SLope. Photo by Evo Szuyuan.

Here is a pic that I took where I show some of the performers' nametags for your convenient benefit. You can see a colourbar to my left. That is part of the performance HUD designed by Bingo.

I almost forgot to mention that my AOM composition will be premiering on the same day as my collaborative performance with my adopted SL daughter, Fwwixli Swindlehurst.

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