Hey there folks!
I am pleased to announce the opening of my brand new "Cultural Public Relations Office" on Odyssey Island. Of course, this is not to be confused with the GRAND OPENING I plan to hype to the media and good friends very soon... Please stay tuned to this blog to read updates about this official GRAND OPENING.
I wish to thank the kind philanthropy of Sugar Seville and Pacino Hercules for allowing me to stay here rent-free as an artist-in-residence. Sugar built this place and mountain (now called "Sugar Mountain") to my exact specifications from scratch and I LOVE WHAT SHE HAS DONE :-)
I hope this space and Odyssey Island itself will be here for some time as I plan to use it to: relax, network, catch up on IMs and yes, host parties!
If you have Second Life installed and wish to teleport directly to my new place now, just click on this SLurl link here.
For those who are not used to using SLurls, you can find my place by clicking on the "map" button in the Second Life interface and then going to these coordinates: Odyssey 84, 202, 128
If you wish to just look at some more photos...just scroll down and enjoy...


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