The "Bodies in Quotes" panel from left to right: Xerxes Druart (Stuart Bunt) , Wirxli Flimflam (me),
Natberg Sternberg (Nathaniel Stern) and
The Unknown (Carlos Castellanos - Moderator) .
To hear Wirxli FLimflam's RL biological alt "Jeremy O. Turner" speaking at the panel presentation, click on Miulew Takahe's pocast link. Here is a quote from Wirxli's RL self after listening to his own voice on the podcast...
"Wow! That is quite the lisp I have there! My avatar persona must be having an affect on my RL biological voice-tone...I sounded like I was more from LindenLand (San Francisco) than from Canada! Maybe I can go for a voice interview with LindenLabs to get a job there? Heheheheheh... I also noticed that I tended to mumble alot! As for content, it was hard to latch onto what I waa trying to say at the panel...I just hope that my avatar distracted people enough from the actual voice coming through! Now I know why so many people rely on text to get their ideas least there can be a realtime editing process...sheesh! Well, at least they could also hear my RL son causing trouble in the background so they knew I had an excuse for sounding spacey!" -Jeremy O. Turner (April, 2007) Hello
performance art,
biotech art and
body art fans!
Phew! I just wrapped up my panel discussion at the
Ampitheater on Learning. The panel's theme
"Bodies in Quotes" that
Carlos Castellanos moderated. This was part of
Ars Virtua's conference series called
Borders. This conference was sponsored by the
CADRE Laboratory for New Media in San Jose, California.
I had alot of fun being on this panel and I even got a chance to
augment my avatar's overall persona and
voice chatted with the rest of the gang for quite some time :-)
Since we were quite dependent on voice-chatting as our in-world broadast medium for the masses - I felt the need to at least type a few words out into the open unless it turned out that no one was actually hearing us.
"If avatars chat amongst themselves in Ventrilo, does anybody (else) hear?" Heheheheheh.. That must be a new
koan for
SL ;-)
So anyway, when it came time for my turn to talk, I first pasted into the chat-history my point form notes about what I was hoping to blather about in order to completely consume the full coveted 10 minutes of air-time... Normally, I would just spend 10 minutes blatantly hyping
Second Front but I knew there were some academics nearby so I had to appear "objective". ;-)
Here is an edited version of my pasted notes that were intended for the audio-less to read and imagine exactly what I was elaborating/rambling about...
Here was my grandiose and academic-esque title...
"The Borders between ALT Bodies: Toggling between multiple SL windows and one biological window."1) Identify Henrik Bennetsen's (SL name = Lys Ware) difference between Augmentation and Immersion.
2) Discuss both Richard Bartle's and Bennetsen's personality archetypes that haunt the virtual/biological bodies...
BARTLE's Archetype list = Achievers, Explorers, Socializers, and Killers.
As a related sidenote, I found it kind of odd and amusing that Richard Bartle once made an appearance as an avatar in SL to declare the Text-MUD's creative supremacy over visually-based virtual worlds such as Second Life itself and others...
BENNETSEN's Archetype list = Creators, Philosphers, Socializers, Businesspeople...
3) mention my different alts and identify which archetype fits best for each alt and how they address performance "art"
4) Mention also the archetypcal borders between the alts (including the biological body in "quotes").
5) emphasize that the most virtual body in SL when it comes to performance art is actually the biological takes simply a figurehead mythological status until one dies.
6) Wirxli's SLebrity body enters and enhances mythological space (mention bodyguards and expanding persona in products).So as you can see, these were very last-minute notes that I had hastily scrawled onto my off-world notepad application (no, I did not use the in-world "notecard") and only when I found out that voice-chat was going to be the primary broadcasting method, did I realize that I should probably make my notes public... I hope that was a good idea!
I really enjoyed what the other panelists had to say and I hope to hang out with them all in SL again soon... I had so many distractions in RL during this time that I found it very difficult to tune into what my colleagues were saying... To summarize:
Xerxes was mentioning how the semi-living biological entires being made in their RL lab were making the public feel uncomfortable, yet ethically responsible...
Natberg was bringing up the qualities of living in the grid that caused him some discomfort and intellectual distance..I wish I could summarize his talk better but his audio kept on crashing and also he happened to speak when I had all these essential RL distractions...sigh! I am sure we will be back in touch in SL and he can update me on what he actually said today...I humbly apologize, Natberg! :-)
3) As I said earlier,
Carlos was our moderator and was doing a really good job at fielding questions and raising new ones that would engage all three of us panelists....yaaaay!
Other than one fielded forth by
Humbert Xingjian, the only quesions we got were from
Ars Virtua's curator,
Rubaiyat Shatner aka.
James Morgan.
One question he wanted to ask seemed to want to put into question the "official"
wikipedia definition of Transhumanism. My personal ideas about
Transhumanism came from one of the
official sources which is more reliable than Wikipedia... Well, I will have a word with Ruby about that later ;-)
In the meantime, here are some other snapshots from my archives for you to peruse on your way down to reading the rest of my blog postings...
Here we all are sitting pretty for the panel...that is all you really need to do in SL...heheheheheh! On the right there, you will see some ad for a Tour-HUD. I knew that in-world HUDs were a dime-a-dozen but had no idea that they would have a special one for touring....KEWL! One of the drawbacks of the design though is that no Superman will request a guided tour. ..heheheheh!
In this pic, you see the front-rows of the audience..I am sure many were hiding in the nosebleed section...heheheheheheheheh! My trusty personal bodyguard, Bear Brooks was keep watch on the audience in case anything theoretically sneaky happened. I told Bear right off the bat to "never trust academics and skeptics"....Heh heh! I think he may have seen a critic or two in the audience as he was reaching inside his coat pocket for his gun :-) But seriously, I not only need critics to prop me and my career up, I also need bodyguards to protect my frail, drugged-up and quoted-up body!
Here is a side-view for you... For some petty and probably narcissistic reason, I really like taking the same situation from different angles. If you recognize yourself and your nametag in the audience and want to ask me additional questions about the panel discussion, please do not hesitate to IM me in-world.
Photo by Miulew Takahe.Special thanks to Miulew Takahe who is my colleague in the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse. He not only took this hi-rez pic, he also recorded the audio so i could have a sneak preview of all the stutters and interruptions I made ;-)
Photo by Miulew Takahe...and here is an additional pic by Miulew. Quite the nice side-profile I have there! :-)Well, I hope the audio portion of the conference panel is officially posted soon so I can add a hyperlink to this blog! Please scroll down to read more postings...