Monday, July 30, 2007
SLippery SLope Video!
Wirxli FLimflam - "SLippery SLope" (2007)
Video recorded and edited by Evo Szuyuan. If you cannot see this embedded video, click here.
Hey there in-world music composition fans,
Finally, Evo Szuyuan has recorded an accurate and sublime machinima version of my first composition for the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse, called "SLippery SLope" (2007).
Many many thanks to all the Avatar Orchestra performers as well as Evo Szuyuan for reflecting the composer's original intention in the form of a fantastic video/audio edit!
Also, super thanks goes out to:
A) DeThomas Dibou who designed and built these special architectonic SLopes exclusively for my composition.
B) Bingo Onomatopoeia for the customized HUD performance interface design for my composition.
C) Miulew Takahe for coordinating the Orchestra rehearsals as well as engineering the audio recording archives.
D) DannyDarko Raymaker for taking the very first video-document of SLippery SLope.
E) Maximillian Nakamura (the Founder of the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse) for helping me develop the first performance HUD for SLippery SLope.
To learn more about the history and context (including the performer credits) behind my very first music opus composed exclusively for the Second Life universe, click on these previous blog postings:
1) SLope SLipping and hanging out.
2) SLippery Slope's in-world Premiere for the Pages exhibition in London. This first performance includes the first machinima video archive by DannyDarko Raymaker (video recording) and Miulew Takahe (audio recording) as well as the full transcript of the official notecard score.
2) SLippery Slope's dress rehearsal.
3) Thursday's SLippery Slope rehearsal.
4) Bingo's HUD help in his Hometown.
Also, check out these audio podcast archives recorded and collected by Avatar Orchestra Metaverse co-founder, Miulew Takahe in reverse-chronological order...
I - Recording of the studio version of SLippery SLope recorded by Hopi Jun and Miulew Takahe for the official machinima performance for Evo Szuyuan's videography.
II- The second half of the official machinima re-take peformed in reverse-SLope order to generate bonus video material for Evo Szuyuan.
III- Documentary recording of the 1st official performance of SLippery SLope.
IV - HUD test for SLippery SLope (the composition-in-progress).
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hyperformal Fun Times with Dancoyote Antonelli...

Hey there Op Art Trippers, Hyperformal Attire Junkies and Abstract Expressionists,
Last night just before Fau Ferdinand dropped by my PR Office to repair the building's pixel cracks, I was hanging out for a brief yet fun time with the Hyperformal artist and Skydancer Supreme, Dancoyote Antonelli...
You may have read about him in the Second Life Guide. If not, here is a pic of him...

Anyways, DC showed me around his various exhibition/installation sites which included some very trippy Op Art at In Kenzo's place, AMO Island for the NMConnect Campus curated by Larry Pixel.
Speaking of pixel(s), DC and I discussed the definition of Hyperformalism...For DC, Hyperformalism is referring to artwork that appears to be the most "native" to the environment of Second Life. For him, his avatar is a kind of "brand" or "logo". I agree with him here - I am also a brand, trademark and logo :-)
In terms of the environment, his definition of Hyperformalism gets a bit tricky because DC does not like representational remediation but this gets problematic because culturally speaking, the most "native" form of SL experience involves a massive amount of first world remediation...the Metaverse for most is a pop-culture mirror-world...but anyways, I digress...
On the subject of remediation though, check out this very kewl version of Robert Anton Wilson's FNORD...

Repairing the PR Office - Just another routine day...

Hey there performance art and Martha Stewart fans,
This is just a quick blog tonight to show you what a routine day looks like for me when I am not busy being my usual glamourous SLebrity self....
As you can see, utter banality can exist even in an idealized virtual world such as the virtual world, Second Life.
My performance artist friend and colleague, Fau Ferdinand has offered to weld the cracks in my PR Office on Odyssey Island. The cracks in the office were cause by all the crackling theory sentences in that burning pyre in the middle of the office....there were cracks in the pixellated glass though - honest 2 gawd!
Fau at first thought it was some sort of remediated Kristallnacht event she was taking part in but I did not have any bling-bling champagne handy so I had to call it Kunstlernacht.
Anyways, Fau did a great job at welding my office back up to "normal" so I gave her a L$5 honourarium.
Here are two more pix from the event...

Well, I guess I should have focused on blogging more important things like hanging out with DC Antonelli earlier this eve and Second Front's Interaccess workshop series...but uhhhh.... next time :-)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
SLippery SLope Strikes Back!

Hey there Hyperclassic(k)al music(k) and Gesamtkunstwerk Fanatix,
On the July 22nd, 2007 - news-waves reverberated throughout Second Life's New and Classical music scene... SLippery SLope Strikes Back! The architectural component of my very first composition for the Avatar Orchestra Metaverse called "SLippery SLope" was re-installed by our in-world designer DeThomas Dibou last week so our videographer, Evo Szuyuan could make a more accurate video-document of our realtime embodied virtual music performance.
Also, one of our composing colleagues, Miulew Takahe was able to officially employ the services of his sound engineering intern, Hopi Jun and create a more studio-friendly audio-snapshot of my composition.... Yes, it is true, to get the full experience and intent behind my Gesamtkunstwerk, you would have had to have actually been there as your avatar self and live in the moment.... But hey! These recently recorded documents are going to lure you very close to the "real" thing.
If you want to read the contents of my composition's notecard score in more detail...just click on this blog posting here and scroll down...
Well, here is what I have for you from these two new performance sessions so far to display:
1) Miulew and Hopi's audio recording of the entire first full take of the 2nd performance (including the hyperclassical instrument tuning before we officially performed my composition).
2) Another audio recording by Miulew and Hopi where we flirted with the idea of climbing my musical SLopes in reverse in order to get some extra bonus video-footage for Evo's special forthcoming machinima-esque presentation.
I should also give credit here to those Avatar Orchestra performers who I have not mentioned yet in this posting...If you performed with me on this day and I have left out your name and/or your hyperlink, please contact me in-world right away so I can revise this posting.... Ok, here is a list of some of the other Orchestral Players on SLippery SLope:
Gumnosohistai Nurmi
Junivers Stockholm
Way Sands
BlueWave Ogee
Maxxo Klaar
Jannne Janus
Paco Mariani
Nnoiz Papp
Nnoiz Papp also had a friend named DADA Rau who took some great snapshots and was also able to archive the chat-history transcript from this performance.
In other post-musical news, it has been a really busy past week in Second Life. Along with Second Front, I have been interviewed twice by Ian Daffern for the Globe and Mail as well as presented a special workshop for Torontonians yesterday at InterAccess Gallery. I will be blogging this whole mediated experience very shortly...
In the meantime, please explore the rest of this blog while scrolling down and stay tuned for Evo's video of "SLippery SLope" as well as future blog postings from yours truly... :-)
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wirxli and Tart Gallery in Vancouver's Georgia Straight Magazine!

Hey Performance Art, Pop Art and Genuine Publicity-for-its-own-sake Fans!
I just got some print press in the Georgia Straight Magazine in Vancouver yesterday. The Georgia Straight is Vancouver's main free weekly print periodical and get this... Bob Geldof used to write for this zine in the 1970s!
Anyways, now we have Jessica Werb who is so obviously going to be the Bob Geldof of the 21st Century (now that she has finally gotten around to interviewing yours truly) write about my own performance practice with Second Front . I wish more was said about Second Front but I guess she had to fit both SF, myself plus Tart Gallery on the same single page so there you go...that was the compromise.
Well, I figured I should get my photo taken with my co-featurette, ByrneDarkly Cazalet. Fortunately, she appeared just as I was done taking the first two promo photos in her gallery. I actually teleported away from the gallery before registering that she was directly in front of me but I quickly returned to the scene and got my token promo photo with her... wOOt!
Well, if you want to read the online version of this article, click here.
If you live in Vancouver, it is in news-stands today :-)
Here are the other two photos I took literally minutes before ByrneDarkly arrived on scene...

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Breaking News III: SLope SLipping and Hanging Out...

Hey performance art, new muzak and dedicated flaneurship fans!
These past few days have been active again for me in Second Life.
First off, Second Front performed a sequel to our classic Breaking News series at Reuters. You can read all about it by clicking here.
Well, check out the photos and their respective captions below so you can see what other fun stuff I did this past week...

Friday, July 13, 2007
Mattes Paintings and the Beuys of Summer...

Hey there performance art and conceptual art fans,
Phew! My RL wedding has finally taken place so now I can continue where I left off and blog the text-waste out of my system again...
About 12 hours ago, I was invited by Pei Twang (Eva Mattes) and Pei May (Franco Mattes) to appear as an actor/actress (actron) for their documentary on their 7,000 Oaks remediation series based on Joseph Beuys' original installation at Documenta.
At first, I thought they would be interviewing me about the Oak I installed outside my PR office but once I got there, I realized that The Mattes (Eva and Franco) were actually organizing a a rigidly disciplined and purified conceptual piece of their own (minimalist) making. I liked this "documentary" idea alot and I think the Mattes produced a very appropriate stand-alone artwork that transcends mere video-documentation and had in fact, entered the realm of "conceptual virtual performance"....ooooooooooo....sounds sorta intellecual-ish, eh?
Well, let me explain this whole lofty concept a bit more for you...
Basically, we (the actrons) were allowed to walk around but were not allowed to chat in public nor were we allowed to sit down and modify the landscape...the whole experience was very performative and much like some sort of Zen Group meditation in Canada... Unlike Canadians, I thought that Italians were perfectly comfortable with overt urban alterations of the landscape? I thought it was only part of the Canadian mentality that forced the artist to stare blankly in awe of the landscape without acknowledging the presence of their colleagues nor the potentials for urban renewal.
Nationalism aside, I actually needed to meditate in some way as I was really stressed with my life outside of my Second Life and I also had an Avatar Orchestra Metaverse rehearsal to attend to as well as an offworld interview with Jessica Werb from Vancouver's Georgia Straight Magazine later in the evening...
Well, this was not the only reason why I played along with this whole kinetic "Mattes Painting" since I fully understood the conceptual intent behind their "documentary" footage. It was definitely High Art (although not as High as I usually like to get....heheheheheheh). I am sure the machinima that they will be producing from the event will be very surreal and eerie...silent, yet deadly ;-)
This was indeed a Stealth-u-mentary.... Here are some more pix...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Taking a brief vacation from Second Life for my Real Life Wedding...

Hey there Second Life Junkies,
I am actually taking a vacation from Second Life this week...well, to tell you the truth,I am not just taking a break to attend the July 4th celebrations in the U.S.A., I am actually getting married in Real Life this Saturday so I guess I should prioritize that for a few days... :-)
So, if I do not blog at all this week, that is why...ok?
I actually posted this above pic in a previous posting where I first mentioned my RL marriage....
Anyway, please check out the postings below....
second front,
Tea Chenille,
Wirxli Flimflam
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